The Tummy Tuck is a procedure that rejuvenates the appearance of the mid-section by removing excess skin in the midsection and tightening abdominal muscles that have become stretched out in pregnancy. Pregnancy is a prominent reason many women seek out the Tummy Tuck procedure to rejuvenate the mid-section, though both men and women seek out Tummy Tuck after a significant weight loss has left excess, sagging skin. Some people have always struggled with the appearance of the midsection and may choose to combine a Tummy Tuck procedure with Liposuction to also get rid of excess, stubborn fat in the area.

If you are tired of feeling self-conscious of your midsection and to learn more about the Tummy Tuck (also called Abdominoplasty) procedure and recovery, and to find out if you are a good candidate for the procedure, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Van Raalte today.